Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hercules gets his.

Partly cloudy, occasional gentle rain, and cold breeze.

It has been a busy few days. Today we finally managed to pin down Hercules for his drenching. It was a combination of tactics. We got him to stand still with some alfalfa, and while he was face down in it a crook was quickly slipped around his horn. This served to haul him in until he could be grabbed by hand. A few moments later he was drinking the stuff which apparently tastes rather vile. He was most displeased, but it's for his own good.

Our remaining gosling is still fine, and well accepted into the flock of geese. The ducks seem to have difficulty deciding on a nest to occupy, but that is something we cannot really decide for them.

Today a mattock and some sweat brought down a few scotch broom plants. More will fall later, not to mention those which the sheep will later have the opportunity to chew down.

Our program of letting the sheep wander and graze, in a limited way, is bearing fruit. It puts a cap on the amount of drama, generally speaking, around their getting out. They also get to spread their grazing a bit better, which is letting certain other plants stand out more. A particular case of interest is some thistles which the sheep do nibble, but not keenly. If the sheep don't eat them down of their own free will, a scythe will stop them before they go to seed.

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