Tuesday, May 18, 2010

17 May 2010
warm & sunny

Over the course of the weekend and today, all of our sheep were individually (and in some cases, more than once) pinned down, rooed, had their hooves trimmed, and all except for Hercules have received a deworming drench. (Hercules and Bolivar escaped during the deworming phase; Bolivar later got hung up on barbed wire, with no actual damage done to anything but his pride. We dewormed him then.)

We let the goslings out to join the other geese, with mixed results. While they were readily accepted, it seems one of the goslings has already been picked off, likely by a hawk. The other seems to still be around and in good health, however.

Wimsey had a blood sample taken today; the results suggest that the medication for his kidneys is doing the job but that he may have picked up an infection. They'll be sending us antibiotics and we'll hope that does the job. There's a slight chance he may have a tumor on his left kidney, but no definite proof of that showed in the blood results. We'll give him the antibiotics and hope for the best.

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