Thursday, July 4, 2013

It has been a while

It has been a while since our last post, but it has not been an idle while.

The grass is growing well since we had a June in which warmth alternated with rain.  We are rotating the sheep from pasture to pasture, letting the grass recover after each cycle of rapacity.

The bantams are growing well, and we are assembling our bantam chicken tractor to give them more varied scenery, as well as freeing up our porch.

The thistles enjoy the weather as well, and so we go forth with scythe in hand to discipline them on a weekly basis, or even more frequently. It is hot work, but well worth it.

The death of the coyote which had come for our geese resulted in an explosion in our local cottontail population.  This will probably be remedied in the near future, but for now the plants rustle with lagomorphic breeding activities.