Wednesday, May 29, 2013


In an effort to improve the natural rate of increase of our flock of chickens, we have invested in some bantam chickens.  As things turned out, we obtained a couple of dozen, but we have had the first dozen for a while now.  Since they are a fancy breed, they are quite attractive.  Here is a picture of them settling down for the evening.

Do not be alarmed by their glowing eyes. The photographer was clumsy and the lighting was poor, but the picture does illustrate the variety of feathers which they display.  They are quite good at scratching and turning over hay scraps, so we are looking forward to constructing a chicken tractor, all the better to improve our land.
Our patience has also been blessed by a positive outcome.  Our first bantam chick has put in an appearance, and the mother (the buff lady at the head of the picture) is teaching it all the finer points of chickening.


  1. Sweet birds! You need to explain "chicken tractor" for the other half.

  2. A chicken tractor is a mobile chicken coop with an enclosure which lets the chickens scratch the ground in the area. One can use it for effective soil preparation in a garden, or improving fertility in a field. Since chickens tend to scratch at the surface without turning over deep soil, they are not particularly bad for soil organisms, while they do eliminate a lot of weeds and tear up old organic matter.
