Sunday, June 5, 2011

Today was a day for visiting friends, which moreover involved cheesecake - two cheesecakes, to be precise, an espresso cheesecake and an apricot cheesecake, each with appropriate homemade toppings. Cheesecakes and toppings came out delicious, and sinfully rich. Good thing there's plenty of farmwork for burning off the calories, eh?

The goslings have discovered the joys of clean water in the kiddie pool we use for the geese. They love it so much that they've been seen chasing full-grown ganders out, bullying mercilessly to get their way. The way the geese and ganders spoil the goslings does much to explain why they all grow up to have such entitled, bullying attitudes - but as with most creatures, they're awfully cute while they're young.

We had a nocturnal visitor who actually killed off one of the incipient nests full of goslings by scaring off the goose sitting on it, and which kept returning for more eggs. A fortuitous spotting led to a clean kill - a sizable beast, though not the biggest ever. Either way, our animals are safe from one more raccoon. The rifle is a .22 magnum - not the largest in the world, but not the smallest, either, for those interested in scale.

The weather has been sunny and warm, leading to barn cats taking over the moon chairs for better sunning purposes. This leads to the occasional kitty battle. Poor Tink! All she wanted was to continue her nap. Brother Nibs arrived though and had other views on the topic.

The other cheesecake was also delicious. On which note, we sign off for our food coma...

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