Thursday, November 4, 2010

A farmer vacations

One farmer is far away, and the other holds down the fort.

Mother Nature puts her usual sense of mischief to work and the late autumnal weather has been delightfully mild, allowing the grass a little longer to recover. Given the rather deliberately heavy grazing done earlier in the season to get the brush and weeds under control, this is a good thing.

The weather has also been kind to the sheep, which is worthwhile since they've had a somewhat trying time of it. First we put up the new fence subdividing a paddock, then put Mitey and five ewes to the north of it and left Bolivar and the rest of the ewes and ram lambs to the south. One would think that the two rams would have enough to keep them busy, but they still find time to grumble at each other and try to dominate each other through the wire.

This does not work as well as one might think, and it has snags. Specifically, Mitey snagged himself on the wire by his horn, and stayed there for some time until a farmer came by to release him. Since his struggles had broken a strand of the thick steel, the farmer also spent some time splicing the broken spot on the fence.

The barn kitties are enjoying the weather as well, and find the chairs on the porch to be a comfortable roost when they are not plotting death and destruction. Slightly, despite his handicap, was eyeing a squirrel earlier today with murder in his eyes. Peter is more sedate, but Tink only joins him when her own hunts have exhausted her.

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