Monday, September 27, 2010

The joy of discovery

We have discovered how some lambs have wriggled out of the fenced enclosure.

The men who did the fencing used the field fence upside down along one stretch such that the small gaps are on top and the large gaps beneath. The lambs, not being quite as stupid as one might think based on the reputation of sheep, discovered this and squeezed through.

We can't really blame the sheep, but we are a trifle disappointed in the men who did the work. Our disappointment continued while we were pinning chicken wire to the fence to block ovine excursions, and using plastic tent pegs to pin it to the ground so that they couldn't wriggle underneath.

We didn't have quite enough chicken wire for the whole length, so we blocked off the rest with piled douglas fir branches, but we will finish the job as soon as time permits.

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