Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Of Sheep and Buns and Things Which Go Bump

9:32 PM Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Temperature: 41 F, calm

Today was cool but sunny, a fact much enjoyed by all of the animals on the farm. Wimsey seems to be taking fairly well to his new diet, although as usual he still sleeps a lot.

The barn cats appear to have killed something in the workshop. Unfortunately, whatever it is, it's been very well hidden, and the aroma of decaying something or other is quite pervasive.

Mitey and 13 (who we believe strongly to actually be Blue Mountain Double Nickel) both got out while a farmer was shifting pasture again. Mitey actually ran over to the other pasture when the other farmer went to feed the poultry, then followed the farmer with the wheelbarrow over to the hay stacks. He then followed all the way around the house like a big dog at heel hoping for a treat, and he and 13 went meekly into the opened gate once the food was tossed in.

A relatively quiet day, punctuated by a great deal of frog noise. We've seen four deer (does) on the property recently, and we'll be planting water plants and fruit trees soon now that the days are getting longer.


  1. Nine out of ten for the barn cats for doing what they're supposed to do - kill barn vermin. They'll get the other 1 when they either eat it, or bring it to you for approval and disposal!

  2. Usually they're pretty good at the eating. We've found mostly-eaten bits of rodent before. It just seems to be this once.
